Current posted rates are in effect as of 01/17/2025 8:41 AM Central Time.
Rates are subject to change without notice.
30 Year Fixed Rate: 6.50%
APR: 6.724%*
Lock Days: 30
20 Year Fixed Rate: 6.75%
Points: 1.30%
APR: 7.075%*
Lock Days: 30
15 Year Fixed Rate: 6.125%
Points: 1.25%
APR: 6.511*
Lock Days: 30
FHA 30 Year Fixed Rate: 6.625%
Points: 0.00%
APR: 7.569% *
Lock Days: 30
VA 30 Year Fixed Rate: 7.125%
Points: 0.00%
APR: 7.562% *
Lock Days: 30
USDA 30 Year Fixed Rate: 6.625%
Points: 0.00%
APR: 7.347% *
Lock Days: 30
5 Year Arm: 6.75%
Points: 0.00%
APR: 6.875% *
Lock Days: 30
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate and is calculated using a loan amount of $160,000